ArTraveler2022년 10월 11일5분 분량"The Empire of Light" by Magritte - To my daughter who didn't want to sleepWhy did my daughter stay up all night? When my daughter was 2 years old, I got a little worried, that is my daughter never tried to go to...
ArTraveler2022년 9월 15일1분 분량The swing by Jean-Honoré FragonardMost of the subjects of the paintings are romances and games of French nobles, so they are not often recognized in art history, but...
ArTraveler2022년 9월 14일4분 분량First Step by Vincent Van Gogh - I will be with you at your first momentsThe child has many first moments "Honey, our daughter is just rolled over!" "Honey, our daughter is just rolled over!" My wife, overjoyed...
ArTraveler2022년 9월 14일2분 분량A Self-Portrait of RembrandtRembrandt's unique style of painting, which brings life to the work by illuminating it with vivid light, has been planted in countless...